Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
Ào zhōu Australia; abbr. for 澳大利亞洲|澳大利亚洲[Ao4 da4 li4 ya4 Zhou1]
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
JCU 毕业
bì yè graduation; to graduate; to finish school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
Yuán Hara (Japanese surname)
yuán former; original; primary; raw; level; cause; source
bǎn a register; block of printing; edition; version; page
wēi tiny; miniature; slightly; profound; abtruse; to decline; one millionth part of; micro-; Taiwan pr. [wei2]
Wēi surname Wei; ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing; Taiwan pr. [Wei2]
229 8881
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
Zhān mǔ sī James (name); LeBron James (1984-), NBA player
Kù kè Cook (name); Captain James Cook (1728-1779), British navigator and explorer
dà xué university; college; CL:所[suo3]
Dà xué the Great Learning, one of the Four Books 四書|四书[Si4 shu1] in Confucianism
bì yè graduation; to graduate; to finish school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
JCU 文凭
wén píng diploma
zhèng shū credentials; certificate
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
JCU 毕业
bì yè graduation; to graduate; to finish school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
chéng jì dān school report or transcript
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
JCU 学位
xué wèi academic degree; place in school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
Zhān mǔ sī James (name); LeBron James (1984-), NBA player
Kù kè Cook (name); Captain James Cook (1728-1779), British navigator and explorer
dà xué university; college; CL:所[suo3]
Dà xué the Great Learning, one of the Four Books 四書|四书[Si4 shu1] in Confucianism
xué lì educational background; academic qualifications
xué wèi academic degree; place in school
rèn zhèng to authenticate; to approve
dài kǎo to take a test or exam for sb
James Cook University Diploma Degree Transcript1563958
澳洲 Ào zhōu Australia; abbr. for 澳大利亞洲|澳大利亚洲[Ao4 da4 li4 ya4 Zhou1]
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
毕业 bì yè graduation; to graduate; to finish school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
Yuán Hara (Japanese surname)
yuán former; original; primary; raw; level; cause; source
bǎn a register; block of printing; edition; version; page
wēi tiny; miniature; slightly; profound; abtruse; to decline; one millionth part of; micro-; Taiwan pr. [wei2]
Wēi surname Wei; ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing; Taiwan pr. [Wei2]
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
詹姆斯 Zhān mǔ sī James (name); LeBron James (1984-), NBA player
库克 Kù kè Cook (name); Captain James Cook (1728-1779), British navigator and explorer
大学 dà xué university; college; CL:所[suo3]
Dà xué the Great Learning, one of the Four Books 四書|四书[Si4 shu1] in Confucianism
毕业 bì yè graduation; to graduate; to finish school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
文凭 wén píng diploma
证书 zhèng shū credentials; certificate
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
毕业 bì yè graduation; to graduate; to finish school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
成绩单 chéng jì dān school report or transcript
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
学位 xué wèi academic degree; place in school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
詹姆斯 Zhān mǔ sī James (name); LeBron James (1984-), NBA player
库克 Kù kè Cook (name); Captain James Cook (1728-1779), British navigator and explorer
大学 dà xué university; college; CL:所[suo3]
Dà xué the Great Learning, one of the Four Books 四書|四书[Si4 shu1] in Confucianism
学历 xué lì educational background; academic qualifications
学位 xué wèi academic degree; place in school
认证 rèn zhèng to authenticate; to approve
代考 dài kǎo to take a test or exam for sb