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Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
Ōu zhōu bēi European cup (e.g. soccer)
Yì dà lì Italy; Italian
Xī bān yá Spain
qiú ball; sphere; globe; CL:個|个[ge4]; ball game; match; CL:場|场[chang3]
clothes; dress; garment; to serve (in the military, a prison sentence etc); to obey; to convince; to admire; to acclimatize; to take (medicine); mourning clothes; to wear mourning clothes
dose (measure word for medicine); Taiwan pr. [fu2]
欧洲杯 Ōu zhōu bēi European cup (e.g. soccer)
意大利 Yì dà lì Italy; Italian
西班牙 Xī bān yá Spain
qiú ball; sphere; globe; CL:個|个[ge4]; ball game; match; CL:場|场[chang3]
clothes; dress; garment; to serve (in the military, a prison sentence etc); to obey; to convince; to admire; to acclimatize; to take (medicine); mourning clothes; to wear mourning clothes
dose (measure word for medicine); Taiwan pr. [fu2]