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Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
shí shí often; constantly
cǎi (bright) color; variety; applause; applaud; lottery prize
shuāng two; double; pair; both; even (number)
Shuāng surname Shuang
dǎn gall bladder; courage; guts; gall; inner container (e.g. bladder of a football, inner container of a thermos)
zěn me how?; what?; why?
zěn me variant of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5]
wán variant of 玩[wan2]; Taiwan pr. [wan4]
wán to play; to have fun; to trifle with; toy; sth used for amusement; curio or antique (Taiwan pr. [wan4]); to keep sth for entertainment
sòng to deliver; to carry; to give (as a present); to present (with); to see off; to send
yuán currency unit (esp. Chinese yuan); first; original; primary; fundamental; constituent; part; era (of a reign); (math.) argument; variable; (Tw) (geology) eon
Yuán surname Yuan; the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)
时时 shí shí often; constantly
cǎi (bright) color; variety; applause; applaud; lottery prize
shuāng two; double; pair; both; even (number)
Shuāng surname Shuang
dǎn gall bladder; courage; guts; gall; inner container (e.g. bladder of a football, inner container of a thermos)
怎么 zěn me how?; what?; why?
zěn me variant of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5]
wán variant of 玩[wan2]; Taiwan pr. [wan4]
wán to play; to have fun; to trifle with; toy; sth used for amusement; curio or antique (Taiwan pr. [wan4]); to keep sth for entertainment
sòng to deliver; to carry; to give (as a present); to present (with); to see off; to send
yuán currency unit (esp. Chinese yuan); first; original; primary; fundamental; constituent; part; era (of a reign); (math.) argument; variable; (Tw) (geology) eon
Yuán surname Yuan; the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)