xīn wén
Xīn wén Chū bǎn Zǒng shǔ
General Administration of Press and Publication (PRC state censorship organization)
huā biān xīn wén
media gossip
sensational news
Chǎn jīng Xīn wén
Business News
Sankei Shimbun (Tokyo daily)
Měi rì Xīn wén
Mainichi Shimbun, a Japanese daily newspaper
Xīn wén Zhōu kān
Newsweek magazine
also written 新聞周刊|新闻周刊
Guó wù yuàn Xīn wén Bàn gōng shì
State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China
Zhōng guó xīn wén wǎng
China News Service (ChinaNews)
xīn wén chù
news service
information agency
biāo tí xīn wén
headline news
title story
Cháo rì Xīn wén
Asahi Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)
Dú mài xīn wén
Yomiuri Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)
Rì běn Jīng jì Xīn wén
Nikkei Shimbun, Japanese equivalent of Financial Times
Láo dòng xīn wén
Rodong Sinmun (Workers' news), the official newspaper of the North Korean WPK's Central Committee
zhèng fǔ xīn wén chù
information services department
xìn bào cái jīng xīn wén
Hong Kong Economic Journal
Bó xùn xīn wén wǎng
Boxun, US based dissident Chinese news network
Cháo xiǎn zhōng yāng xīn wén shè
Korean Central News Agency (KCNA, North Korea)
Zhāo rì Xīn wén
Asahi Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)
Zhōng guó Xīn wén Wǎng
China News Service website (chinanews.com)
Dú mài Xīn wén
Yomiuri Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)