Sī míng qū
Siming district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian
Sī míng
Siming district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian
shǐ sī míng
Shi Siming (703-761), non-Han military man and colleague of An Lushan 安禄山, eventually conspirator with him in the 755-763 Anshi rebellion 安史之亂|安史之乱 against the Tang dynasty
Shǐ Sī míng
Shi Siming (703-761), non-Han military man and colleague of An Lushan 安祿山|安禄山[An1 Lu4 shan1], eventually conspirator with him in the 755-763 An-Shi Rebellion 安史之亂|安史之乱[An1 Shi3 zhi1 Luan4] against the Tang dynasty