èr shí sì jié qi
the 24 solar terms, calculated from the position of the sun on the ecliptic, that divide the year into 24 equal periods
liù shí sì guà
the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (I Ching or Yi Jing) 易經|易经
èr shí sì shǐ
twenty four dynastic histories (or 25 or 26 in modern editions)
fig. a long and complicated story
Èr shí sì Shǐ
the Twenty-Four Histories (25 or 26 in modern editions), collection of books on Chinese dynastic history from 3000 BC till 17th century
fig. a long and complicated story
Èr shí sì Xiào
the Twenty-four Filial Exemplars, classic Confucian text on filial piety from Yuan dynasty