Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
Chester 毕业
bì yè graduation; to graduate; to finish school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
wēi tiny; miniature; slightly; profound; abtruse; to decline; one millionth part of; micro-; Taiwan pr. [wei2]
Wēi surname Wei; ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing; Taiwan pr. [Wei2]
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bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
qiè definitely; absolutely (not); (scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right.; Tut!; to grind; close to; eager; to correspond to; see also 反切[fan3 qie4]
qiē to cut; to slice; tangent (math)
(phonetic); this
Slovakia; Slovak; abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Si1 luo4 fa2 ke4]
special; unique; distinguished; especially; unusual; very
dà xué university; college; CL:所[suo3]
Dà xué the Great Learning, one of the Four Books 四書|四书[Si4 shu1] in Confucianism
bì yè graduation; to graduate; to finish school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
chéng jì dān school report or transcript
xué wèi academic degree; place in school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
, 教育部
jiào yù bù Ministry of Education
Jiào yù bù Ministry of Education
liú to leave (a message etc); to retain; to stay; to remain; to keep; to preserve
liú old variant of 留[liu2]
liú old variant of 留[liu2]
clothes; dress; garment; to serve (in the military, a prison sentence etc); to obey; to convince; to admire; to acclimatize; to take (medicine); mourning clothes; to wear mourning clothes
dose (measure word for medicine); Taiwan pr. [fu2]
rèn zhèng to authenticate; to approve
Bachelor MasterChester 毕业证书
bì yè zhèng shū diploma; CL:張|张[zhang1],本[ben3]
Chester 文凭
wén píng diploma
gǎi to change; to alter; to transform; to correct
Chester 成绩单
chéng jì dān school report or transcript
GPAoffer 申请
shēn qǐng to apply for sth; application (form etc); CL:份[fen4]
xué xiào school; CL:所[suo3]
University of Chester Diploma Degree Transcript93
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
毕业 bì yè graduation; to graduate; to finish school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
wēi tiny; miniature; slightly; profound; abtruse; to decline; one millionth part of; micro-; Taiwan pr. [wei2]
Wēi surname Wei; ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing; Taiwan pr. [Wei2]
bàn to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
qiè definitely; absolutely (not); (scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right.; Tut!; to grind; close to; eager; to correspond to; see also 反切[fan3 qie4]
qiē to cut; to slice; tangent (math)
(phonetic); this
Slovakia; Slovak; abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Si1 luo4 fa2 ke4]
special; unique; distinguished; especially; unusual; very
大学 dà xué university; college; CL:所[suo3]
Dà xué the Great Learning, one of the Four Books 四書|四书[Si4 shu1] in Confucianism
毕业 bì yè graduation; to graduate; to finish school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
成绩单 chéng jì dān school report or transcript
学位 xué wèi academic degree; place in school
zhèng to admonish; variant of 證|证[zheng4]
zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4]
教育部 jiào yù bù Ministry of Education
Jiào yù bù Ministry of Education
liú to leave (a message etc); to retain; to stay; to remain; to keep; to preserve
liú old variant of 留[liu2]
liú old variant of 留[liu2]
clothes; dress; garment; to serve (in the military, a prison sentence etc); to obey; to convince; to admire; to acclimatize; to take (medicine); mourning clothes; to wear mourning clothes
dose (measure word for medicine); Taiwan pr. [fu2]
认证 rèn zhèng to authenticate; to approve
毕业证书 bì yè zhèng shū diploma; CL:張|张[zhang1],本[ben3]
文凭 wén píng diploma
gǎi to change; to alter; to transform; to correct
成绩单 chéng jì dān school report or transcript
申请 shēn qǐng to apply for sth; application (form etc); CL:份[fen4]
学校 xué xiào school; CL:所[suo3]