Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Segmented Definitions for
wěi big; large; great
virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind
variant of 德[de2]
Germany; German; abbr. for 德國|德国[De2 guo2]
variant of 德[de2]
guó jì international
BETVlCTOR1946 官方
guān fāng government; official (approved or issued by an authority)
wǎng zhàn website; network station; node
yuán zì to originate from
Yīng guó United Kingdom 聯合王國|联合王国[Lian2 he2 wang2 guo2]; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; abbr. for England 英格蘭|英格兰[Ying1 ge2 lan2]
wěi big; large; great
virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind
variant of 德[de2]
Germany; German; abbr. for 德國|德国[De2 guo2]
variant of 德[de2]
guó jì international
shì is; are; am; yes; to be
shì variant of 是[shi4]; (used in given names)
Yà zhōu Asia; abbr. for 亞細亞洲|亚细亚洲[Ya4 xi4 ya4 Zhou1]
zuì dà biggest; largest; maximum
de of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)
really and truly
aim; clear
see 的士[di1 shi4]
tǐ yù sports; physical education
xiū xián leisure; relaxation; not working; idle; to enjoy leisure; to lie fallow
zhōng xīn center; heart; core; CL:個|个[ge4]
wěn dìng steady; stable; stability; to stabilize; to pacify
píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
, 支持
zhī chí to be in favor of; to support; to back; support; backing; to stand by; CL:個|个[ge4]
zuì xīn latest; newest
tǐ yù sports; physical education
sài shì competition (e.g. sporting)
shì is; are; am; yes; to be
shì variant of 是[shi4]; (used in given names)
mù qián at the present time; currently
zuì old variant of 最[zui4]
zuì variant of 最[zui4]
zuì most; the most; -est (superlative suffix)
tool; device; utensil; equipment; instrument; talent; ability; to possess; to have; to provide; to furnish; to state; classifier for devices, coffins, dead bodies
chuàng yì creative; creativity
de of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)
really and truly
aim; clear
see 的士[di1 shi4]
hé fǎ lawful; legitimate; legal
píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
zuì old variant of 最[zui4]
zuì variant of 最[zui4]
zuì most; the most; -est (superlative suffix)
jù yǒu to have; to possess
yǐng xiǎng lì influence; impact
de of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)
really and truly
aim; clear
see 的士[di1 shi4]
yóu xì game; CL:場|场[chang3]; to play
wǎng zhàn website; network station; node
zhī yī one of (sth); one out of a multitude; one (third, quarter, percent etc)
zuì old variant of 最[zui4]
zuì variant of 最[zui4]
zuì most; the most; -est (superlative suffix)
zhuān yè specialty; specialized field; main field of study (at university); major; CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4]; professional
de of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)
really and truly
aim; clear
see 的士[di1 shi4]
tǐ yù sports; physical education
píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
, 欢迎
huān yíng to welcome; welcome
nín you (courteous, as opposed to informal 你[ni3])
guāng lín (formal) to honor with one's presence; to attend
wěi big; large; great
virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind
variant of 德[de2]
Germany; German; abbr. for 德國|德国[De2 guo2]
variant of 德[de2]
guó jì international
wěi big; large; great
virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind
variant of 德[de2]
Germany; German; abbr. for 德國|德国[De2 guo2]
variant of 德[de2]
国际 guó jì international
官方 guān fāng government; official (approved or issued by an authority)
网站 wǎng zhàn website; network station; node
源自 yuán zì to originate from
英国 Yīng guó United Kingdom 聯合王國|联合王国[Lian2 he2 wang2 guo2]; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; abbr. for England 英格蘭|英格兰[Ying1 ge2 lan2]
wěi big; large; great
virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind
variant of 德[de2]
Germany; German; abbr. for 德國|德国[De2 guo2]
variant of 德[de2]
国际 guó jì international
shì is; are; am; yes; to be
shì variant of 是[shi4]; (used in given names)
亚洲 Yà zhōu Asia; abbr. for 亞細亞洲|亚细亚洲[Ya4 xi4 ya4 Zhou1]
最大 zuì dà biggest; largest; maximum
de of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)
really and truly
aim; clear
see 的士[di1 shi4]
体育 tǐ yù sports; physical education
休闲 xiū xián leisure; relaxation; not working; idle; to enjoy leisure; to lie fallow
中心 zhōng xīn center; heart; core; CL:個|个[ge4]
稳定 wěn dìng steady; stable; stability; to stabilize; to pacify
平台 píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
支持 zhī chí to be in favor of; to support; to back; support; backing; to stand by; CL:個|个[ge4]
最新 zuì xīn latest; newest
体育 tǐ yù sports; physical education
赛事 sài shì competition (e.g. sporting)
shì is; are; am; yes; to be
shì variant of 是[shi4]; (used in given names)
目前 mù qián at the present time; currently
zuì old variant of 最[zui4]
zuì variant of 最[zui4]
zuì most; the most; -est (superlative suffix)
tool; device; utensil; equipment; instrument; talent; ability; to possess; to have; to provide; to furnish; to state; classifier for devices, coffins, dead bodies
创意 chuàng yì creative; creativity
de of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)
really and truly
aim; clear
see 的士[di1 shi4]
合法 hé fǎ lawful; legitimate; legal
平台 píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
zuì old variant of 最[zui4]
zuì variant of 最[zui4]
zuì most; the most; -est (superlative suffix)
具有 jù yǒu to have; to possess
影响力 yǐng xiǎng lì influence; impact
de of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)
really and truly
aim; clear
see 的士[di1 shi4]
游戏 yóu xì game; CL:場|场[chang3]; to play
网站 wǎng zhàn website; network station; node
之一 zhī yī one of (sth); one out of a multitude; one (third, quarter, percent etc)
zuì old variant of 最[zui4]
zuì variant of 最[zui4]
zuì most; the most; -est (superlative suffix)
专业 zhuān yè specialty; specialized field; main field of study (at university); major; CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4]; professional
de of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis)
really and truly
aim; clear
see 的士[di1 shi4]
体育 tǐ yù sports; physical education
平台 píng tái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building
欢迎 huān yíng to welcome; welcome
nín you (courteous, as opposed to informal 你[ni3])
光临 guāng lín (formal) to honor with one's presence; to attend
wěi big; large; great
virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind
variant of 德[de2]
Germany; German; abbr. for 德國|德国[De2 guo2]
variant of 德[de2]
国际 guó jì international