"Old Boy" is produced by 11 Degrees of Youth, directed by Xiao Yang, who was also the editor and one of the main actors in this movie. The movie tells the story of how Michael Jackson's death affects two ordinary people's lives and awakens their childhood dreams.
What was is like to be in a Chinese middle school in the 70s. Bullies and romance...
The Chopstick Group had prepared "Billie Jean" for the school gala. However, something unexpected happened. Time flew by. They grew up and became a wedding host and a barber, living ordinary lives.
They were shocked by Michael's death and, remembering their unfinished childhood dream, they filed their application for Happy Idol, a talent reality show for young artists.
Competing against very young candidates is not easy. When asked by a journalist, "Why you are mimicking Michael Jackson?" Old Boy says, "Michael's death represents the end of our adolescence for people in our generation."
In the second round of competition, they were focusing on creativity and Old Boy came up with their own song. This was the song that moved the whole generation and made them look back on their lives.
Ye Ru from Inner Mongolia will attempt to make lamb stew for the first time, the very dish her mom used to make.
For Zhu Luwei, glutinous rice balls in fermented rice wine are one of his fondest memories of his days in his hometown, Ningbo.
Each New Year, Zhu Luwei visits his family, giving them the taste of an authentic Ningbonese Chinese New Year.
Hu Jianming from Ninghai, Ningbo introduces a hometown dish: pork belly stew with dried pufferfish.
The lesson on to make pork belly stew with dried pufferfish continues.
Hu Jianming from Ningbo believes food from one's hometown is like a memory of his or her childhood.
Time for some food!
Time for portraits!
Shiyin gives a tour of where she's staying.
Shiyin introduces a pair of contact lenses she finds work well for Hanfu styling.
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