It's hard to imagine the kind of journey grandma must have taken to see her granddaughter's graduation ceremony.
Welcome home to Shanghai's most sustainable house! Built in the 1930s, this house has been remodeled to be a self-circulating and self-insulating home to a family of five.
The house was designed with family in mind. Everything is suitable for both the adults and kids. Not only does this cut down on costs, but it also simply makes for a more comfortable home environment.
This house is an embodiment of its environmentally conscientious inhabitants, only fit to house those with a similar lifestyle.
Can you imagine not using anything plastic related for a whole week? Doing so may actually be much harder than you think!
Ordering takeout while trying to eliminate one's use of plastic is no easy task.
Even though we are taught that we should separate plastics so that we can recycle them, in reality, not all plastics are recyclable.
It's very sad to see what we humans are doing to the Earth. Little things can accumulate and turn into big problems.
Some countries have tried to reduce waste production by reducing the number of trashcans. Perhaps this would be a more effective method if people did not just throw trash onto the street.
Although it's probably impossible to eliminate plastic use completely, we should try our best to contribute to helping save the environment.
While you might sometimes think it is fun to say something, it could potentially hurt the person you are talking about.
Body shaming is a big thing in China. Have you had any experience in which people have treated you differently because of your looks?
In today's society, people who are more attractive have advantages in all fields. Have you ever treated someone differently because of his or her appearance?
People often say that we should not judge a person by his or her appearance, but what is the real definition of beautiful?
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