Shiyin styles Tuan Shen's hair herself.
What treasures await inside the Mingjing Yaji?
Shiyin checks out more merchandise at the Mingjing Yaji.
Shiyin introduces a few friends during her visit to Mingjing.
Shiyin continues to explore life dressed in Hanfu.
Shiyin sets out to find out why there aren't as many young men that are embracing the Hanfu style.
I am from Xinjiang but that doesn't mean I ride horses, it doesn't mean I eat qiegao, it also doesn't mean I am a thief or a terrorist. Listen to these young Xinjiang voices tell you what Xinjiang people are really like.
Even though we explain to others what Xinjiang is like, it is still hard to break down the image mainstream media creates of place like Urumqi. I can only do my best to tell you that Urumqi is not just grassland.
Stereotypes are dangerous, especially if they make up your entire understanding of something or someone. It is important to remember that everything and everyone is multifaceted. Just because one person does something a certain way doesn't mean everyone else does too.
Stereotypes of Xinjiang people don't only create confusion for the general population but also effect how Xinjiang people self-identify themselves.
How do we break down this ugly stereotype of Xinjiang? Both side need to openly communicate and work together to clear up misunderstandings. But where do we start? Start from yourself of course!
What are Jiang Xun's fans like?
Can we teach beauty?
Has knowledge taken away our perception of beauty?
Jiang Xun believes the power of beauty is truly inside.
Artists may not, in fact, be able to capture nature.
How do we awaken our sense of perception?
In this episode of "Art Is So Easy," we meet artist Liu Yong and his eight-foot painting "Lantern Festival at Longshan Temple."
Liu Yong's eight-foot painting depicts a lively scene during the Lantern Festival in Wanhua.
Liu Yong further explains the intricacies of his painting, "Lantern Festival at Longshan Temple."
Taiwanese opera and the Longshan Temple are early symbols of Taiwanese culture.
Liu Yong's "Lantern Festival at Longshan Temple" tells a multitude of stories simultaneously.
It's the people that make history.
Yi Gong Zi introduces the "Heart Sutra."
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