A heartwarming story of a devoted son returning home to provide for his elderly parents. He shows them the new house he has gotten for them, furnished with imported furnishings, and on top of that, he has hired a group of servants to take care of them. So, what's the catch?
Eva's mom talks about how taking her daughter travelling with her has changed not only her daughter's life but that of her family.
On the night of his tenth wedding anniversary, Kai suddenly collapses and is admitted to the hospital.
Due to overwork, Kai is exhibiting signs of memory loss. With no effective remedy currently in place, his doctor proposes an experimental treatment that may help Kai retain at least some of his precious memories.
Kai is given an experimental technology that will allow to him to retain only one block of memory, leaving him with a difficult decision to make.
In going through his memories, Kai realizes that he hasn't been there for his family when they have needed him.
Abbott is a global healthcare company that conducts research and manufactures products for human health.
In addition to her identity as a famous Taiwanese singer, Jolin Tsai also tries to pursue her dream of being a pastry chef. In this video, she shares her values about life.
In addition to her identity as a famous Taiwanese singer, Jolin Tsai also tries to pursue her dream of being a pastry chef. In this video, she shares her values about life.
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