This speaker talks about how today's world is not lacking people who cannot speak up, but rather people who are brave enough to seek consciousness when speaking.
For Zhu Luwei, glutinous rice balls in fermented rice wine are one of his fondest memories of his days in his hometown, Ningbo.
Rather than inventing a new language, the speaker wants to be the protector of language, mingling together the new and the old.
Yao Chen's influence on the internet is great, but the greater the influence, the greater the responsibility. In this interview, Yao Chen talks about the difficulty of maintaining such influence.
What's the best way to get past the hurt and move on with your life after a breakup?
Yao Chen's influence on the internet is great, but the greater the influence, the greater the responsibility. In this interview, Yao Chen talks about the difficulty of maintaining such influence.
How do two people break up on good terms?
Yao Chen's influence on the internet is great, but the greater the influence, the greater the responsibility. In this interview, Yao Chen talks about the difficulty of maintaining such influence.
The Chinese language has changed a lot over history. The speaker in the video talks about how he is unable to comprehend the Chinese from the past and present.
See what changed customer service intern Wang Xin Yuan's mind about wanting to be a flight attendant.
It's the people that make history.
For the second round of training, customer service intern Wang Xin Yuan is shown how to deal with passengers fed up with waiting for a delayed flight to take off.
Liu Yong's "Lantern Festival at Longshan Temple" tells a multitude of stories simultaneously.
Customer service intern Wang Xin Yuan gets her first taste of dealing with difficult airline passengers.
Liu Yong further explains the intricacies of his painting, "Lantern Festival at Longshan Temple."
Taiwanese opera and the Longshan Temple are early symbols of Taiwanese culture.
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