Sun Yao Yang befriends a young girl from the piano studio. He tries to register for a piano competition, only to have the door slammed in his face.
This fisherman lives by the bank of Wuling River. Life has been hard for him. However, one day, a miracle happens.
"Peach Blossom Utopia" received the Best Short Film Award at the 2006 Handsome Monkey Animation Awards in China. In the same year, at the DigiCon 6+2 Contest sponsored by Japan Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc., it received the First Place Golden Award.
The young man applies for a job as a piano teacher, but ends up being a janitor at the studio instead.
Dun is looking for new challengers while "Four Eyes" has his eye on the future. Niu is now teaching young children.
Unable to find their favorite game anywhere in town, Dun and "Four Eyes" decide to take matters into their own hands.
As our travelers realize they're out of luck, the thieves are back with the bowl intact. It also appears as though two of our criminals may be a little more than just colleagues.
Learn the story behind the idiom, “To exhort people to do good.”
"Four Eyes" is now a manager at his father's company while his best friend, Dun, is still hot and heavy into video games, working at a game shop and commentating on games as a hobby.
It looks like our gang of antique thieves already had their eyes on the bowl our travelers "found" in the last episode. Watch as our sneaky thieves attempt to find a way to get their hands on the bowl themselves - legal or not.
"Four Eyes" leaves his friends behind and finds a girlfriend in the city. Refusing to work for his father's company, he begins an unfruitful job search.
After failing to find work and watching his girlfriend drive off with her director, "Four Eyes" decides to work for his father's company.
Learn the story behind the idiom, “To exhort people to do good.”
Learn the story behind the idiom, “To exhort people to do good.”
Niu talks about her memories of growing up in a small town with her older brother and his best friend.
Learn the story behind the idiom, "To exhort people to do good."
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