Dou Hongyu is forced to make an exit after none of the girls vote for him, but still gets some compliments about the importance of his work in China today.
A young man discusses what it means to be happy in the context of living in a big city and with a high-stress job.
Three people discuss the the meaning of happiness. For some it's living a good life and flourishing; for others it's the little things.
Ever wonder how wine is paired with Chinese food? In this episode, Martin shows us how to bring them together in perfect harmony. And don’t forget to toast at your next meal!
Shiyin sets out to find out why there aren't as many young men that are embracing the Hanfu style.
Shiyin continues to explore life dressed in Hanfu.
Shiyin introduces a few friends during her visit to Mingjing.
Shiyin checks out more merchandise at the Mingjing Yaji.
What treasures await inside the Mingjing Yaji?
Shiyin styles Tuan Shen's hair herself.
Shiyin introduces a pair of contact lenses she finds work well for Hanfu styling.
Shiyin gives a tour of where she's staying.
Time for portraits!
Time for some food!
How do people feel about women managing the money in the household?
Does it matter who handles the money in the household?
Art helps one to understand how other people feel.
If something is meant to be, then what is yours is yours.
Cherish everything that you encountered, because you might never see it again.
The joy of collecting comes from when someone can resonate with you through his/her work.
Your collection can be anything that is meaningful to you.
Sometimes you might need to give up what you love but then you can cherish it in another way.
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