"Farewell" or "Songbie" was composed by Master Hong Yi. This song reflects the vicissitudes of Master Hong Yi's life. More importantly it talks about parting, something Master Hong Yi has experienced numerous times through out his days.
This house is an embodiment of its environmentally conscientious inhabitants, only fit to house those with a similar lifestyle.
Hong Yi was a master painter, musician, dramatist, calligrapher, seal cutter, poet, and Buddhist monk. His calligraphy version of the "Xin Jing" is greatly beloved by all.
The house was designed with family in mind. Everything is suitable for both the adults and kids. Not only does this cut down on costs, but it also simply makes for a more comfortable home environment.
Welcome home to Shanghai's most sustainable house! Built in the 1930s, this house has been remodeled to be a self-circulating and self-insulating home to a family of five.
In his effort to preserve the history of his city the director overcame many difficulties. In the end, it simply came down to his drive to preserve the past and love for sharing history with others, that lead him to persevere.
The director of a Xiamen antique store, The Goodone, has collected and preserved the flower tiles of the the city's old roads hoping one day they can be re-purposed into the design of the city.
While we use Christmas trees and stockings to decorate during Christmas, let's see what kind of decorations the Chinese use for their New Year's celebration.
It is a Chinese tradition to put up a blessing as a decoration in the home during the Chinese New Year. This is quite similar to saying grace before eating Christmas dinner.
Although the man isn't able to go home for the New Year, he has managed to find the taste of home.
Innovation of a writing system occurs by creating a better version of what already exists, which is always related to one's national heritage.
Designing a new font is extremely difficult, especially since there are thousands of characters in the Chinese language.
What does typography mean to you? Why is it important?
Being kind is a choice. Be kind to the environment because our future generations will still have to live in it.
There is more than one way to solve a problem. Look at things from different perspectives and maybe you'll be able to come up with even better solutions.
Art is always affected by the culture in which it was created.
While the Chinese use many different ways to express the same feelings, they say things out loud in a straightforward way.
Even though Yuan Zhen dated many women, Wei Cong was still the love of his life.
Despite the fact that Yuan Zhen had many women in his life, he only wrote a mourning poem for his first wife, Wei Cong.
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