Do we listen to the numbers? Or our feelings?
The artist based on the fact that young Japanese people who participated in his art project didn't take up most of the page when they were drawing, makes broad assumptions about Japanese society.
The artist shows that in our myths it is preordained that our advancements are all in service of returning to our mythological paradise.
The artist explains his works. He describes how all of the paintings he does are really just free form and they come from the heart.
The artist describes how legends and myths are the blueprints for our future development.
Our host introduces "500 strokes" the work of a Beijing artist. This piece incorporates 500 different single calligraphy brush strokes, each with it's own inspiration.
The artist talks about how in the future the things that we see as science they will see as legends.
The artist talks about video games and the host talks about a video game.
the architect explains how he's intentionally tried to blend the concept of indoor and outdoor spaces. He explains the true beauty of the home is in the spaces that connect these two worlds. Every window has a view of a different beautiful scenery.
The artist explains some more myths that directly tie into his work.
Uncle Lin's architect explains the master bedroom. He explains that architecturally he's employed techniques to maximize the connection between the indoor and outdoor spaces while maintaining privacy. Though the home is split in 4 sections, it holds together as a home.
The artist explains some of the mythology that goes into his work
Uncle Lin's architect explains the gorgeous guest section of the house. it's separate and secluded for comfort. It's finishing touch is the beautiful courtyard in view of the bathtub. He also explains the main living area.
Uncle Lin's architect explains the first section of the house. It is wonderfully and uniquely designed to compliment the surrounding scenery.
Uncle Lin has spent half his life accumulating beautiful land in Xinzhu, Taiwan. The architect that designed his house explains the geography of his beautiful track of land and how the architecture fits nicely within it.
A perfumer tells us how his lifestyle has changed as he's grown up. He's created the ideal house for him and his numerous pets.
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