"Four Eyes" is now a manager at his father's company while his best friend, Dun, is still hot and heavy into video games, working at a game shop and commentating on games as a hobby.
Dun is gearing up for his first television appearance as a commentator for Supreme Entertainment.
Dun is devastated when his very own script is given away and his lines delivered by someone else.
Unable to find their favorite game anywhere in town, Dun and "Four Eyes" decide to take matters into their own hands.
Dun is looking for new challengers while "Four Eyes" has his eye on the future. Niu is now teaching young children.
In order to appreciate wine, you have to start with the fundamentals. In this video, get a basic introduction to the world of fine wines.
Before you even take your first sip of a wine, there’s a lot you need to know. From pouring, to swirling, to smelling, this video has it all.
Just when you think you’re ready to sample a wine, there are a few essentials that you can’t forget. In this video, let Martin the expert fill you in on just exactly what they are.
Did you know that a bottle of champagne can actually be a lethal weapon? Only if the bottle isn't opened correctly, that is. Watch Martin teach Zorro the basics of opening champagne in this episode of "The Connoisseur."
Do you know what exactly is inside a bottle of champagne? Where do those gas bubbles come from? Find out in this video!
On this episode of The Connoisseur, Martin introduces us to different types of Spanish wines, their histories and cultures. Which types of wines should you order on which occasions? What are the differences between these wines? Watch as Martin reveals to Zorro the answers to these questions and more.
"Reserva" and "Gran Reserva" are two of the most well-known types of Spanish wine, but do you know how to tell the difference between them? Why are they classified differently in the first place? Let Zorro and Martin unveil the mystery for you.
In the final installment of this episode on Spanish wine, Martin talks to us about sherry, its history, and how it's made. Cheers!
Ever wonder how wine is paired with Chinese food? In this episode, Martin shows us how to bring them together in perfect harmony. And don’t forget to toast at your next meal!
Gain a quick overview of the most important festivals in the Chinese calendar.
Learn about the Chinese naming system and some of the issues concerning names that are being encountered today.
The Chinese naming system is very complex. It follows precise rules, stating the differences between a person's last name, given name and courtesy name. In particular, the difference between the last two is strictly connected with the rituals that used to bring a child from childhood into adulthood in ancient China.
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