Showing 48 of 105 videos
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The Chinese New Year is like the Christmas holiday in the West. Can you imagine not spending Christmas with your loved ones?

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What would you say to your family if you only had three minutes?

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Anyone can be a hero. Everyone can be a hero. Let's check out the ordinary heroes in our lives.

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A mother brings her daughter to work. She works as a taxi driver.

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We see that some people can't accept the mother bringing her child in the cab. There's a flashback showing how the cabbie's mother disaproves. But some customers are fine with it.

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The cabbie's daughter shares her aspirations of being a Dumpling cook.

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The cabbie reflects on her mother's advice verses what she chose to do with her life.

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A Lian Lian Pay employee details his morning routine while in quarantine.

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A Lian Lian Pay employee picks up his groceries during quarantine.

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A Lian Lian Pay employee has a message for its customers during this difficult time.

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What kinds of challenges are women facing?

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What does it mean for a woman to live the life that she wants?

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How should we as women live out our own beauty?

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As we get older, we may forget our memories, but we don't forget love.

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What happens when you leave your business unsupervised?

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Watch as a man pops the question to his girlfriend in public in front of hundreds of people. Will she say yes?

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Love is not sacrifice or possession, but giving. When you have love, give the other person freedom. When you've lost love, let it free.

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Chinese people are very hospitable. When going to someone's home, Chinese tea makes a good gift for the host.

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Chinese people are very hospitable and often invite guests to their homes.

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As Chinese dumplings are delicious, next time, try them with your Chinese friends!

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If we gave these people 100 RMB, would they be willing to be apart from their spouses for a day?

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If we gave you 100,000,000 RMB, would you be willing to spend forever apart from your spouse?

Showing 48 of 105 videos
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