Showing 72 of 162 videos
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Professor Lang compares enrollment rates in Henan and Shanghai to illustrate China's problem of education inequality.

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Students face discrimination both before entering university and after graduating. Why?

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Inequality in education is often due to unequal opportunities and developmental disparities in different parts of a country.

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Guests discuss inequality between educational opportunities for children in the cities versus villages.

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The problem of education inequality in China also extends to students wishing to study abroad.

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A professor from the South China University of Technology speaks on inequal education resources.

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A heated debate arises over whether the inequality issue is a school problem or geographical problem.

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A guest from an American university speaks on education equality and fairness.

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Several girls are asked if they would give their contact information to a boy who strikes up a conversation with them in the street.

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Papi Jiang asks residents in Beijing to determine when they miss their hometowns the most.

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Can those born in the 80's and 90's celebrate Children's Day?

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Zhang Fang shows you how to do a hair bump in two minutes.

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Not a Common Day: It all starts with a simple greeting on a beautiful morning... Learn the vocabulary of a very basic introduction in this video.

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On their first date, Tim asks Nini about her family background and life.

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Nini learns that Tim is a music composer and Tim shares a song he created with her.

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To waste or not to waste: that is the question.

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There is more than one way to solve a problem. Look at things from different perspectives and maybe you'll be able to come up with even better solutions.

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Being kind is a choice. Be kind to the environment because our future generations will still have to live in it.

Showing 72 of 162 videos
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