Showing 24 of 105 videos
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Can you image teaching in rural China where you are probably the only foreigner?

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"Heritage" sees its greatest number of participants in a single performance.

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Performers recall the day of a spectacular performance at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics.

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Watch as a man pops the question to his girlfriend in public in front of hundreds of people. Will she say yes?

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While many of us grew up with these kind of orders and/or advice from our parents, sometimes, parents need to give their children more credit, respect and freedom.

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Alipay is a well-known online payment system in China that is similar to Paypal in the United States. It is like having a debit card without actually having the physical card.

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Hainan Airlines Group is committed to bringing the beauty and brightness of the world to its customers.

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A Taiwanese woman flies halfway across the world to see her new granddaughter. Unable to speak English and with Chinese medicine that gets confiscated by police, her determination is put to the test.

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Sparked by the death of their friend, a group of old men decide to start truly living life by going on a motorcycle trip around Taiwan. But will their frail bodies be up for the challenge?

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The Ad that Moved Chinese Overseas Students to Tears. Nagging becomes music when hearts are connected.

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On the night of his tenth wedding anniversary, Kai suddenly collapses and is admitted to the hospital.

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Kai is given an experimental technology that will allow to him to retain only one block of memory, leaving him with a difficult decision to make.

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In going through his memories, Kai realizes that he hasn't been there for his family when they have needed him.

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Kai regrets not having been there for his family and hopes in his heart for another chance.

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Kai asks for his family's forgiveness and makes a promise to always bring them happiness.

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Watch EMS' charming Mid-Autumn Festival commercial.

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MasterCard really does fulfill dreams.

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Abbott is a global healthcare company that conducts research and manufactures products for human health.

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Made by CCTV, this effective commercial employs seven simple lines to communicate a clear message: Today, this is how we love our country.

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The Chinese New Year is like the Christmas holiday in the West. Can you imagine not spending Christmas with your loved ones?

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What would you say to your family if you only had three minutes?

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Anyone can be a hero. Everyone can be a hero. Let's check out the ordinary heroes in our lives.

Showing 24 of 105 videos
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