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Auntie Wang wastes no time in getting the freshest ingredients. She heads out at 2:30 am to go to the farmer's market in order to buy the freshest food.

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Why should we not choose less expensive or big-brand rock teas?

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When is high heat required when roasting teas?

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Not surprisingly, the taste and quality of teas from different areas of the mountain differ greatly.

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Why was fully-fired charcoal roasting so important?

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What are the initial processes of making rock tea?

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How do tea producers distinguish between the many varieties of tea produced on Wuyi Mountain?

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What are some of the lesser-known varieties that come from mid-season shrub tea trees?

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How did the different varieties of teas in the Wuyi Mountain come to be?

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What is Wuyi Rock Tea and where does it come from?

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What defines luxury and wealth when it comes to tableware?

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Dings were used by nobility as a way to capture all of life's special moments.

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Making bronzeware is an arduous and involved process, and its usage has a strict hierarchy.

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Yi Gongzi details the long and involved process of making bronzeware.

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Yi Gongzi explains how bronze was discovered and formed in ancient China.

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As Yi Gongzi explains, ancient bronze tableware isn't for just anyone to use.

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In this episode, Yi Gongzi introduces the often overlooked museum specialty: ancient Chinese bronze ware.

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Kim is excited the transformer he was watching on online just sold for a big price. He is even more excited to share this good news with Evonne.

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Xiaoxue and Eric hit it off while Sean and Kimi continue to argue.

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Eric comes home with good news only to find a beautiful girl he doesn't know sitting on the couch. The two get to talking and there seems to be a bit of chemistry. Meanwhile, Sean and Kimi are still fighting in the bedroom.

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Sean unearths Kimi's seduction plan and is appalled, but he's more worried about what this means for their rent arrangement.

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Sean takes his date home only to have his date run into Kimi in her lingerie. Somehow Sean manages to get Kimi to play the part of his distant cousin, but the two still get in a heated argument.

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